
Trip-tic home-clip.

Three chances to explain the bigger part of life. How you are taught turns out to be more reliant on where you are, where you were, and what you did with all of it, then just who was holding the chalk.

The breakdown:

Part One: The Highchool.
No surprise here, seeing a school representing learning, but I'd say 33% of what I know to be what I know, came from the depths of the shitty Norristown High hallways. Apart from the basics like test bs-ing skills, skim-reading, and a handful of other easy-way-out learning techniques, I learned a whole lot about myself, and the way people around you effect you thusly. Back of the room is where i sat, close to a window if there were any. And most of my attention during the school day was divided between sleeping, lunch, maybe taking some notes, and contemplating about that "road ahead." which at the time seemed too Hollywood for me, compared to the more current issues like how to make it through the day without getting written up, or feeling the need to put my foot in my mouth. (Which happened often, and that's fine because I was in the process of learning and mistakes are the jenga blocks to that destructive game of wisdom.) ha, you like that?

Part Two: Houses From the Past.
This part is broken into 4 different sections, each one with a key image from a different house from the past. That's all I'll say.

Part Three: Inside My Room, Behind the Bathroom.
The room of the house that's currently my home, as best I could remember it from here. It's small, an old built-in office behind the bathroom actually. Not like Harry Potter under the stairs, more like one of those rooms with the slants on half the walls cause of the roof. And this room is especially significant because if I can remember right, it's lucky number seven. But to cut to the chase it's where I write, paint, eat, sleep, and do other disclosed things at, learning at its finest.


A discolored representation of a representation of 4 things and an egg carton.

Enough shapes to get the idea across, and yet some of it still makes no sense. Shocked myself with this one, who knew you could draw on a computer?!


I chose to draw a picture to describe my truth, lie, and funny thing.

Turned out no one found anything funny, and I didn't feel like revealing the truth and lie.

Guess this project was a success!

I guess I was just turned off about the whole truth thing, I figured if I told a truth, then I'd be a liar, because I'd pick a truth I wanted people to hear. And since I over analyzed the crap out of it, I decided to be illegible.

I really don't know what to say